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Our Team / Christian

Christian K. Kalambay

[blockquote]”Push Yourself to be the Best” – Christian K. Kalambay -[/blockquote]

Christian has been on the multimedia scene for the past 11 years. His professional portfolio is comprised of the following products:

  • 3D Animations

  • Short Films

  • Fashion Studio Shoots

  • Graphic and Web Design Projects

  • Music Videos

  • Beauty Pageants

  • Special Events including Weddings and Birthday

[member name=”Christian K. Kalambay”
role=”Chief Creative Officer (CCO)
3d Animator / Graphic Designer / Film Director”]

email : ckalambay@madja.ca


Christian has a certified degree from Centennial College specializing in Digital Animation in addition to an advanced diploma in Graphic Design from the prestigious George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology.

For fun, Christian loves to watch and play basketball, his favorite NBA team is the Brooklyn Nets.

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Recent Projects

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