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Our Origins


Madja Entertainment Inc. was born out of the shared vision of two immigrants, Imad Al-Sukkari and Christian K. Kalambay. They aspired to create a platform that would tell the untold stories of multicultural experiences around the globe. Founded in April 2014, Madja started its journey as a graphic design company, catering to events and website creation. Over the years, Madja evolved its focus towards film and TV production, fueled by a passion for authentic storytelling that celebrates diversity and fosters inclusion.

The turning point came in 2017 when Madja embarked on its most significant challenge yet – self-producing a feature film documentary, “Canada, The Immigrant Story”. The film, directed by the accomplished Christian K. Kalambay and produced by Staferd Campbell, Mamy Kalambay, and Vanessa Kammer, explored the narratives of four immigrants from diverse global backgrounds. A testament to the indomitable human spirit, it celebrated the enriching power of multiculturalism and won many hearts and accolades.